1. Market research of steel scrap in Russia
1.1. Statistics of scrap collection in Russia in 2000 - 2006
1.2. Regional structure of scrap collection in Central Federal District
1.2.1. Neighboring territories Lipetsk region Voronezh region Orel region Ryazan’ region Tambov region Tula region
1.2.2. Moscow and Moscow region Moscow Moscow region
1.2.3. Far territories Belgorod region Bryansk region Vladimir region Ivanovo region Kaluga region Kostroma region Kursk region Smolensk region Tver’ region Yaroslavl region
1.3. Characteristics of leading scrap-collecting companies in Central Federal District
1.3.1. PJSC «Uralvtorchermet»
1.3.2. LLC «Oris Prom»
1.3.3. LLC “PK «Vtormet»
1.3.4. LLC «Belprommetall»
1.3.5. LLC «Baltexcom»
1.4. Structure of consumption of steel scrap in Central Federal District and the main its regions
1.5. Characteristics of leading scrap consumers in Central Federal District
1.5.1. JSC «Novolipetsk metallurgical combine» (JSC «NLMK»)
1.5.2. JSC «Oskol electrometallurgical combine» (JSC «OEMK»)
1.6. Balance «production - consumption of scrap» in Russia in 2006
1.7. Seasonality of supplies of scrap in Russia
1.8. Tendencies and prospects of domestic market of steel scrap
2. Review of export-import trade in steel scrap in Russia in 2001 - 1 half of 2007
2.1. Import of steel scrap
2.2. Export of steel scrap
2.3. Review of export-import prices on scrap
3. Forecast of development of market of steel scrap in Russia up to 2012
3.1. Forecast of generation of steel scrap in Russia up to 2012
3.2. Estimation of expanding volume of consumption up to 2012
3.3. Forecast of the supply-demand balance up to 2012
3.4. Forecast of foreign trade in scrap up to 2012
3.5. Forecast of prices up to 2012
List of Tables:
Table 1. Dynamics of supplies of commodity scrap by regions of Russia in 2003 - 2006, thousand t
Table 2. Consumption of steel scrap at Russian enterprises, mln. t
Table 3. Structure of supplies of scrap to enterprises of ferrous metallurgy in 2006, mln. t
Table 4. Quantity of companies in Central Federal District, having license on collection and processing scrap and ferrous metal wastes
Table 5. Supplies of steel scrap in neighboring regions in 2005 - 2007, thousand t
Table 6. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Lipetsk region in 2005-2007
Table 7. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Lipetsk region
Table 8. Company-exporters of steel scrap in Lipetsk region in 2005-2007
Table 9. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Lipetsk region in 2005 -2007
Table 10. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Voronezh region in 2005-2007
Table 11. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Voronezh region
Table 12. Company-exporters of steel scrap in Voronezh region in 2005-2007
Table 13. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Voronezh region in 2005 -2007
Table 14. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Orel region in 2005-2007
Table 15. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Orel region
Table 16. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Orel region in 2005-2007
Table 17. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Orel region in 2005 -2007
Table 18. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Ryazan’ region in 2005-2007
Table 19. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Ryazan’ region
Table 20. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Ryazan’ region in 2005-2007
Table 21. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Ryazan’ region in 2005 -2007
Table 22. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Tambov region in 2005-2007
Table 23. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Tambov region
Table 24. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Tambov region in 2005-2007
Table 25. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Tambov region in 2005 -2007
Table 26. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Tula region in 2005-2007
Table 27. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Tula region
Table 28. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Tula region in 2005-2007
Table 29. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Tula region in 2005 -2007
Table 30. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Moscow in 2005-2007
Table 31. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Moscow
Table 32. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Moscow in 2005-2007
Table 33. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Moscow in 2005 -2007
Table 34. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Moscow region in 2005-2007
Table 35. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Moscow region
Table 36. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Moscow region in 2005-2007
Table 37. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Moscow region in 2005 -2007
Table 38. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Belgorod region in 2005-2007
Table 39. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Belgorod region
Table 40. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Belgorod region in 2005-2007
Table 41. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Belgorod region in 2005 -2007
Table 42. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Bryansk region in 2005-2007
Table 43. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Bryansk region
Table 44. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Bryansk region in 2005-2007
Table 45. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Bryansk region in 2005 -2007
Table 46. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Vladimir region in 2005-2007
Table 47. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Vladimir region
Table 48. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Vladimir region in 2005-2007
Table 49. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Vladimir region in 2005 - 2007
Table 50. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Ivanovo region in 2005-2007
Table 51. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Ivanovo region
Table 52. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Ivanovo region in 2005-2007
Table 53. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Ivanovo region in 2005-2007
Table 54. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Kaluga region in 2005-2007
Table 55. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Kaluga region
Table 56. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Kaluga region in 2005-2007
Table 57. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Kaluga region in 2005-2007
Table 58. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Kostroma region in 2005-2007
Table 59. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Kostroma region
Table 60. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Kostroma region in 2005-2007
Table 61. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Kostroma region in 2005-2007
Table 62. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Kursk region in 2005-2007
Table 63. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Kursk region
Table 64. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Kursk region in 2005-2007
Table 65. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Kursk region in 2005-2007
Table 66. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Smolensk region in 2005-2007
Table 67. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Smolensk region
Table 68. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Smolensk region in 2005-2007
Table 69. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Smolensk region in 2005-2007
Table 70. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Tver’ region in 2005-2007
Table 71. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Tver’ region
Table 72. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Tver’ region in 2005-2007
Table 73. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Tver’ region in 2005-2007
Table 74. Company-suppliers of steel scrap in Yaroslavl region in 2005-2007
Table 75. Large company-consumers of steel scrap in Yaroslavl region
Table 76. Company-exporters of steel scrap from Yaroslavl region in 2005-2007
Table 77. Geographic structure of direct export supplies of steel scrap from Yaroslavl region in 2005-2007
Table 78. Large companies - suppliers of steel scrap in Central Federal District in 2005 - 2007
Table 79. Volumes of steel scrap supplies (including export) by enterprises of Central Federal District department of PJSC «Uralvtorchermet» holding in 2005-2007, t
Table 80. Characteristics of companies of «Uralvtorchermet» holding, operating in the territory of Central Federal District
Table 81. Consumers of steel scrap, supplied by enterprises of Central Federal District department of «Uralvtorchermet» holding
Table 82. Consumers of steel scrap, supplied by LLC «Oris Prom»
Table 83. Consumers of steel scrap, supplied by LLC «PK «Vtormet»
Table 84. Supplies of steel scrap of LLC «Belprommetall»
Table 85. Consumers of steel scrap, supplied by LLC «Baltexcom»
Table 86. Structure of supplies of steel scrap in regions of Central Federal District in 2005 - 2007
Table 87. Structure of supplies of steel scrap in regions of Central Federal District from all regions and inside the District in 2005-2007
Table 88. End-users of steel scrap in Central Federal District in 2005-2007, thousand t
Table 89. Consumption of steel scrap by metallurgical enterprises of Central Federal District in 2005-2006
Table 90. Large suppliers of steel scrap for JSC «NLMK»
Table 91. Large suppliers of steel scrap for JSC «OEMK»
Table 92. Data on transactions in steel scrap in 2006
Table 93. Supply-demand balance of steel scrap in Russia in 2006
Table 94. Average consumption coefficients in production of steel at Russian enterprises, kg/t steel produced
Table 95. Production of cast iron, steel and rolled steel, utilization of productive capacities and structure of steel produced by routs of production in Russia
Table 96. Balance of consumption of steel products in 1994-2005, mln. t
Table 97. Macroeconomic parameters and consumption of rolled steel in Russia (% as compared to 1990)
Table 98. Dynamics of production volumes in machine building in 1990-2005
Table 99. Russian foreign trade in machines, equipment and transport vehicles (bln. USD)
Table 100. Supply-demand balance of steel pipes in Russia, mln. t
Table 101. Geographic structure of Russian import of steel scrap in 2001 - 1 half of 2007
Table 102. Geographic structure of export of steel scrap from Russia in 2001- 1 half of 2007
Table 103. Dynamics of Russian export prices on steel scrap (FOB port) in 2001-2007, $/t
Table 104. Forecast of production of crude and rolled steel in 2006-2012, mln. t
Table 105. Forecast of supply-demand balance of steel scrap by 2012
List of Figures:
Figure 1. Dynamics of steel scrap collection in Russia in 1985-2006, mln. t
Figure 2. Structure of railage shipment of steel scrap by Federal districts of Russia in 2006
Figure 3. Structure of shipment of steel scrap by regions of Central Federal District in 2006
Figure 4. Structure of shipment of steel scrap “neighboring” regions in 2006
Figure 5. Supplies of steel scrap from Lipetsk region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 6. Supplies of steel scrap from Voronezh region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 7. Supplies of steel scrap from Orel region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 8. Supplies of steel scrap from Ryazan’ region in 2005-2007
Figure 9. Supplies of steel scrap from Tambov region in 2005-2007
Figure 10. Supplies of steel scrap from Tula region in 2005-2007
Figure 11. Supplies of steel scrap from Moscow in 2005-2007
Figure 12. Supplies of steel scrap from Moscow region in 2005-2007
Figure 13. Supplies of steel scrap from Belgorod region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 14. Supplies of steel scrap from Bryansk region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 15. Supplies of steel scrap from Vladimir region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 16. Supplies of steel scrap from Ivanovo region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 17. Supplies of steel scrap from Kaluga region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 18. Supplies of steel scrap from Kostroma region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 19. Supplies of steel scrap from Kursk region in 2005 - 2007
Figure 20. Supplies of steel scrap from Smolensk region in 2005-2007
Figure 21. Supplies of steel scrap from Tver’ region in 2005-2007
Figure 22. Supplies of steel scrap from Yaroslavl region in 2005-2007
Figure 23. Monthly dynamics of supplies of steel scrap inside Russia in 2005 - 1 half of 2007
Figure 24. Dynamics of "apparent" domestic consumption of rolled steel by kinds in 1998-2005, thousand tonnes
Figure 25. Dynamics of index of works volume and consumption of rolled steel in building industry in 1996-2005
Figure 26. Dynamics of production of steel wall and roofing panels and building constructions in Russia in 1998-2005
Figure 27. Dynamics of Russian import of steel scrap from Kazakhstan in 2001-2006
Figure 28. Dynamics of Russian export of steel scrap in 2001-2006
Figure 29. Dynamics of prices on steel scrap, imported from Kazakhstan (DAF border) in 2001-2007
Figure 30. Dynamics of average annual export prices on steel scrap in 2001-1007
Figure 31. Dynamics of prices on steel scrap (FOB Black Sea ports and CIF Izmir (Turkey) in 2001-2007
Figure 32. Forecast of volume of collection of steel scrap in Russia by 2012 |